
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

In 2006, British mathematician Clive Humby coined the phrase “data is the new oil” 强调它作为推动经济市场的主要bst365老牌体育的重要性. 这句流行语还暗示,数据就像石油一样,需要提炼和处理才能变得有用.

虽然汉比的宣言具有预言性和持久性,但它忽略了数据运输中涉及的物流的重要性——类似于用驳船将石油从井口运送到炼油厂, tankers, overland, pipelines, trucks, and railroads.

For industries where data is an epicenter, 波长服务提供保护其价值的供应链. 波长业务包括一种特殊形式的光纤连接,其中一对光纤在不同的光或光谱通道上传输多个业务. 这项技术的基础是将光分成不同的波长,每个波长都携带一个独特的数据流. 这些光纤的波长要么是租用的,要么是专门分配的,以便在不同地点之间传输数据.

Consider that each separate Wavelength is essentially a private line; depending on your needs it’s possible to have anywhere from one to dozens of different Wavelengths on a pair of fibers. 波长服务对于高带宽应用程序(如数据中心互连)和大型区域性银行等金融机构特别有用, which require data that can be secured, quickly transmitted, and efficiently replicated and processed.

The popularity of this technology is evidenced by a recent report,表明全球波长服务市场将经历显著增长.8% CAGR) up until 2030.

Complex Challenges of Large Data Sets

For financial institutions, 依靠传统的互联网来管理数据存在固有的风险. 这样做会使它们容易受到网络事件和随后的中断的影响,而这些通常是管理数据传输的团队无法预见的. 相反,使用波长的公司可以确信带宽都是他们的. wavelength还为金融服务机构提供了网络所采用的精确地理路径——无论是到第三方数据中心还是自己的数据中心。.

除了安全性考虑和这些团队管理的数据集的大小之外,数据的复杂性也是一个问题, which can include transaction records, customer information, market data, and more. 增加数据量和复杂性是保持数据质量的重要性. 传输这些大数据批可能会导致不完整等问题, inconsistent, or inaccurate data. 确保数据质量需要健壮的数据治理流程和使用先进的数据清理和验证技术.

对于每一家必须满足数据管理方面严格要求的金融机构来说,监管监督显得尤为重要, reporting, and compliance. 管理大型数据集,同时确保符合GDPR等法规, CCPA, 各种金融法规增加了一层复杂性,波长服务可以帮助减轻这种复杂性.

更新实体店的大型数据集给金融机构带来了额外的挑战. Chief among these is maintaining consistency across multiple, physical locales, especially when updates need to be synchronized in real-time. 使用不同IT基础设施的物理位置可能会使更新大型数据集所需的兼容性复杂化. In the same vein, locations having varying levels of network connectivity, such as limited bandwidth or unreliable connections, can lead to transfers being slow and prone to interruptions.

传输大量数据可能需要大量bst365老牌体育, including bandwidth, storage capacity, and computing power. 在多个(实体和砂浆)站点之间有效地分配这些bst365老牌体育,同时平衡竞争优先级和最小化成本,这对金融机构来说是一个挑战.


When it comes to security, speed, data replication, and processing, 波长服务似乎是为金融机构量身定做的.

Because Wavelength services operate over dedicated channels, they provide a secure, segmented, and high-capacity solution for data transmission. 这使得金融机构能够安全有效地传输数据, reducing the risk of interception or tampering.

具有每秒传输数太比特数据的能力, Wavelengths keep pace with the speed of business. 因此,它们为金融机构提供了在不同地点之间有效bst365老牌体育大量数据的能力, facilitating real-time transactions, data replication, and processing.

For the financial services industry, disaster recovery isn’t a nice to have, 这是业务连续性和法规遵从性的要求. Wavelength services provide a high-speed, low-latency connection between data centers, which can support backup and data replication.

金融机构——尤其是大型机构——需要高性能的计算和处理能力,从分析数据进行风险管理到欺诈检测, algorithmic trading, and more. For these tasks, 波长服务有助于将数据中心连接到高性能计算集群和处理bst365老牌体育, which support faster data processing and analysis.

Wavelength Services from FiberLight

FiberLight通过其服务德克萨斯州的区域光纤网络提供商务级波长服务, the Northern VA area, the Atlanta metro, and Central Florida. 这些专用365电竞足球特别适合在数据中心和复杂IT应用程序之间管理大型数据传输的客户. For these organizations, FiberLight’s private fiber connections ensure swift, reliable, and secure data transport.

FiberLight的波长服务以不同的速度运行(10G), 100G, 和400Gbps)通过我们专为商业而建的密集光纤网络. To learn more about FiberLight’s services visit our Wavelength solutions page where you can download our product brief.